
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Over the weekend, I sang in Swarthmore for a show called First Friday in this little outdoor seating area. I've done that show once before, and it went pretty well. Lots of people walking by stopped to listen and I gained a little crowd. When I got there, the lady that runs it told me and my dad that a good amount of people come to the shows, so it's usually pretty crowded. However, that was not the case that night. It was getting dark and it was cold, so I wasn't surprised that not many people wanted to come sit outside for 2 hours; I didn't want to play there for 2 hours because I get cold really easily. So most of the time, it was just my dad sitting there listening to me. A few people walking by would sit and watch for a little while, but there was never a big crowd or anything. But the people that did stop to listen were really nice and supportive, and I at least had my dad there. It was rather uneventful, but it wasn't bad. I actually got an opportunity to sing at another restaurant right near there, so it worked out pretty well. 

1 comment:

  1. Your dad sounds like a supportive guy, and I really appreciate that!
