I don't have any more singing performances to write about, so I'm gonna talk about my dogs. I have three dogs, and they're the best. Two are Siberian Huskies and the other is a Labrador Pit Bull mix. The Pit Bull just turned 1 and she is the sweetest dog. We got her when she was 6 weeks old; she was so tiny. She loves to cuddle and sit right in your lap. She also loves car rides. Whenever anyone is leaving, she tries to jump in the car. I take her with me to pick up my siblings, and she just sits in the passenger seat. We bring her to any outside performances I do, too. She always wants to meet new people and other dogs. My house is always hectic with 3 dogs and 4 kids, but it's the best kind of hectic.
Wow! 3 dogs and 4 kids....no wonder you like to get out and sing :)!